Dear beautiful strangers, i heard.......
- life in Malaysia is getting harder....
- fuel price dah naik...
- harga barang2 groceries dah naik...
- highway tol is everywhere in KL. n semua is soo costly...
- utility bills including electricity price rate dah naik...
- even harga beras (rice kan?) dah naik...and the fact that i know well that Malaysians cant live without rice.. and rice cant live without Malaysians (hiks!).. simbiotic relationship!
- and the latest, bus fare pun i heard would be increased..?! ... i wonder...
- are you guys going to be okay?
- can Malaysians actually cope with this?....
- is there by any chance the price can ever go down again? (economy experts, please answer for me?)
- how's Uncle Jo, my dad's gardener, is ever going to survive supporting his wife and 8 boys with very limited monthly income in this such costly way of living in Malaysia? i hope...
- you guys will be strong to face this economical restriction, and financial constraint, for the sake of your family...
- the Malaysian government is doing the best they can to overcome this situation for the sake of the people...
- my dad will give Uncle Jo a raise in his salary.. kesian the boys, nak beli buku, junkfood, nak main2 dgn friends, nak beli baju... oh God, the list will keep going on.. kids have so many desires. tak sampai hati nak tgk when they dont get what they want... susah kan,kalau harga barang mcm ni?
- my parents will be okay, since my siblings and I wont be there to be supported... i'm sure...
- i wouldnt want to go back to Malaysia any soon... i'm scared if i couldnt afford the way of living. how am i gonna do my shopping? how am i gonna do my manicure, pedicure, spa and all? how am i gonna go clubbing? how am i gonna do my hair? how am i gonna do my skin treatment? how am i gonna buy all my books? how am i gonna buy my accessories? how am i gonna travel? ish again, the list can go on and on.. women's desires are unlimited too, mind you! hiks! (kesian all the husbands and boyfriends in Malaysia kan?) i wish..
- all the best strangers in your undertakings...
- you guys to be fine and always happy!
Siput "pig"
9 years ago
can u imagine those with lower incomes..they are struggling..kesian..malaysia sure boleh...sometimes they come with crazy ideas...
they said..change ur lifestyle..plant vege at ur garden...imagine ur house with vege..rumah lawa2 then ada vege?goshhh...lunatic
my expenses=Rental RM450+ transportation RM200, Makan breakfast,lunch,dinner selama thirty days RM700, Topup RM 100, broadband maxis RM138=RM1588, belum lagi aku nak beli majalah education aku yg amounting to RM50 per month, Newspaper subscription aku RM18/month, tak termasuk espenses utk vitamin dan toiletteries waaaaa dulu 2 tahun yg lalu RM1K dah cukup, siap ujung bulan ada baki RM200 oke
kadok, tanam peria dan timun di umah seksi ape, jgn la ko wat kebun mcm yg indon buat tepi setinggan tuh... plant it with an art, be creative
kadok and captain hooked:
i never really counted like you guys did. coz i dunno how much the average salary in malaysia is. but u guys made me actually wonder how everyone is surviving tho?!
tapi kan, i like captain hooked's idea kadok. plant ur vege with an art! i did tell you in previous previous post, 'whatever you wanna do, do it pretty-ly'. hiks!
captain hooked:
i just found ur blog and read it through. it's amazingly good!! well done. can i tag ur blog? =)
makanyer gov kene lah berusaha keras untuk memastikan yg golongan berpendapatan rendah nih boleh menjalani hidup dengan mudah dan senang tanpa ad sebarang masalah. caranyer..NAIKKAN GAJI!!!!! betul x kadok?? and jangan naek kan harga minyak lagik!! :P
Thanks azzuri, please do tag my blog because I am tagging you for the rest of my life haha. well I think average salary is RM1500. Inflation is very high!!! even a lipas also hardly survive , eh... lipas pi keje ke?
lipas hardly survive?! haha..! that really cracks me up. hehe...
yeah, feel free to 'tag' me as long as you want dearie =)
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